Director: John Crowley Format: Color, Cinemascope Duration: 1 hour and 36 minutes Release date: August 5, 2014 Actors: Eric Bana, Rebecca Hall, Ciarà¡n Hinds, Pinar à gà¼n, Denis Moschitto Subtitles:: German, French Language: German (DTS 5.1), French (DTS 5.1), English (DTS-HD 5.1) Studio: Universal Pictures France Number of discs: 1 ALL OUR BLURAY AND DVD ARE PURCHASED IN FRANCE AND DESTINED FOR FRENCH MARKET.
Terrorist explosion kills 120 people in bustling London market. At the end of the ensuing manhunt, a single suspect of Turkish origin is apprehended and imprisoned. What promises to be "the trial of the century" begins. The defense team reunites two former lovers. They discover a chain of dangerous secrets and lies that seem to involve the government and the security services. The lives of the two lawyers are then in danger ...