Rated: All audiences Director: Hou Hsiao-Hsien Format: Color Duration: 1 hour and 49 minutes Release date: November 8, 2017 Actors: Chen Shufang, Hsin Shu-Fen, Li Tien-lu, Lin Yang, Mei Fang Subtitles :: French Studio: Carlotta Films Number of discs: 1 ALL OUR BLURAY AND DVD ARE PURCHASED IN FRANCE (NO IMPORT) AND INTENDED FOR THE FRENCH MARKET.
Version without scabbard (non-contractual photo) HD Master A Yuan and A Yun grew up side by side in a small mountain village. One day, A Yuan decides to go to Taipei to find work and attend evening classes. A Yun joins him shortly after. They gradually familiarize themselves with their new life in the capital, while returning from time to time to their native village. Their friendship turns noticeably into love until A Yuan is called up to do his military service ...