Fuocoammare, beyond Lampedusa (Fuocoammare) Form ratio: 1.85: 1 Rated: All audiences Director: Gianfranco Rosi Format: Color Duration: 2 hours and 29 minutes Release date: June 6, 2017 Actors: Samuele ucillo, Maria Costa, Giuseppe Fragapane, Samuele Caruana, Pietro Bartolo Subtitles:: French Language: Italian (DTS-HD 2.0) Studio: Blaq Out Number of discs: 1 100% French (no import)
Samuele, 12, lives in Lampedusa, a fishing island, where the sea is passed from father to son while the women are busy at home. DJ Pippo plays their songs dedicated to their men on the radio, such as the catchy and melancholy Fuocoammare (The sea on fire). This ritornello, which refers to the bombings during the war, resonates tragically today. Closer to Africa than to Sicily, Lampedusa, a piece of land beaten by winds, is also the gateway to Europe. During the last twenty years, 400,000 migrants have landed there, on rafts and at the cost of an atrocious and perilous crossing, which would have caused 15,000 deaths. Filmed for a year in Lampedusa, the documentary by Gianfranco Rosi, awarded a Golden Bear at the Berlin Film Festival,