London is on the verge of chaos! Are you ready? We are in 2012 and the end of time is here ¦ We were warned. For the second time in history, the plague is gnawing at London and a veil of death envelops the city. Big Ben resonates and hundreds, if not thousands of men surprised by this epidemic die or, worse yet, are infected with a strange disease ... You breathe. At the very least, you are still breathing. But how long can you survive in a London labyrinth of underground streets and corridors, abandoned by the outside world, surrounded by the "Infected"? The terrifying vestiges of a humanity ravaged by this dreadful disease lurk ¦ in search of prey ¦ and flesh. ZombiU is an original creation designed to take full advantage of the capabilities of the Wii U and its original controller: the Wii U GamePad. Your survival skills are put to the test, especially in a world teeming with terrifying zombies, where Survival Horror in first-person view takes center stage. Grab your multifunction survival kit: your Bug-Out Bag which is none other than the Wii U GamePad. Fill your Bug-Out Bag to the brim, waste no second. You won't get a second chance. And most importantly ¦ Plus product TWO SCREENS, DOUBLE DOSE OF TERROR Feel all the tension watching both the TV screen and your Wii U GamePad screen. SURVIVAL HORROR AT ITS BEST Resources are slim and your enemies are legion. You never know when or where to find a new weapon, ammunition, medicine or even food. Know how to use them wisely! DON'T GET OUT WITHOUT YOUR BOB: The Wii U GamePad becomes your Bug-Out Bag, a survival kit containing your tools, inventory, drugs, maps, and more! A UNIQUE SYSTEM OF DEATH Once dead, you wake up and play an entirely new character, an unprecedented survivor in the same dire situation. You will however have to recover your BOB, now in the hands of your former character ancien turned zombie! THE HORDE AT YOUR DOOR Prepare for the inevitable onslaught. Gather your weapons, ammunition and supplies. Lock yourself in a double turn! It's time to defend your home against a horde of hungry and furious zombies! SURVIVORS AGAINST ZOMBIES A multi-player mode in which one player takes on the role of Zombie Master (from a bird's eye view) to create enemies and lay out traps using the GamePad's touchscreen. A second player (in first person view), fights to survive using a Classic controller! MERCY KILLER When your character is infected, your friends online learn of your death and can come and kill your character who has become a zombie. Thus, they will pocket your BOB and your equipment while finishing you at the same time! IN THE HEART OF LONDON A city with a troubled past, royal secrets and bloody tales. Where the medieval fortress of the Tower of London and the