- The Amazing Spider-Man: Abandoned by his parents as a child, Peter Parker was raised by his Uncle Ben and Aunt May. He is in high school today, but he is having a hard time integrating. Like most teenagers his age, Peter tries to understand who he is and accept his journey. In love for the first time, he and Gwen Stacy discover feelings, commitment and secrets. Finding a mysterious briefcase that belonged to his father, Peter embarks on a quest to elucidate his parents' disappearance, which quickly leads him to Oscorp and the lab of Dr. Curt Connors, his father's former associate. Spider-Man will soon find himself facing the Lizard, Connors' alter ego. Deciding to use his powers, he will choose his destiny ... - The Amazing Spider-Man: The Fate of a Hero: It's no secret that Spider-Man's toughest fight is the one he's waging against himself in an attempt to reconcile Peter Parker's daily life and the heavy responsibilities of Spider-Man. But Peter Parker is going to realize that he is facing a much larger conflict. to be Spider-Man, what's more exhilarating? Peter Parker finds his happiness between his life as a hero, leaping from one skyscraper to another, and the sweet moments spent with Gwen. But being a Spider-Man comes at a price: he's the only one who can protect his fellow New Yorkers from the abominable villains who threaten the city. Facing Electro, Peter will have to face a much more powerful enemy than him. When his old friend Harry Osborn returns,