copy of Of noise and fury

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Livraison 2-10

Rated: 16 years old and over Audio description:: French Director: Jean-Claude Brisseau Format: Color Duration: 1 hour and 35 minutes Release date: September 4, 2019 Actors: Bruno Cremer, Franà§ois Négret, Vincent Gasperitsch, Fabienne Babe, Lisa Hérédia Studio: Carlotta Films Number of discs: 1 ALL OUR BLURAY AND DVD ARE PURCHASED IN FRANCE (NO IMPORT) AND INTENDED FOR THE FRENCH MARKET.



compare_arrow Prices comparison(1) Prices tax excl. recorded in August 2024 thumb_up 2.79 €
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(1) Comparative statement of prices, excluding promotions, relating to one or more essential characteristics, verifiability and representative of product. Article L. 121-8 of the Consumer Code

New restored 2K master Bruno is 14 years old. When his grandmother died, he returned to live in Bagnolet with a totally absent mother. In a class where everyone has the same academic difficulties, he meets Jean-Roger, terror of the CES. It is through him that the young boy will be put in contact with the perverse and violent members of Mina's gang ...

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