Rated: All audiences Director: John Huston Format: Color Duration: 1 hour and 45 minutes Release date: May 22, 2018 Actors: John Wayne, Eiko Ando, ??Sam Jaffe, Sô Yamamura, Tokujiro Iketaniuchi Subtitles:: French Language : English (DTS-HD 2.0), French (DTS-HD 2.0) Studio: Rimini Editions Number of discs: 1 (simple version) ALL OUR BLURAYS AND DVDs ARE PURCHASED IN FRANCE AND INTENDED FOR THE FRENCH MARKET
New master High definition Blu-ray box without scabbard Japan, 1856. Townsend Harris arrives in the small Japanese port of Shimoda. He is to become the first American ambassador to the Land of the Rising Sun. The reception of the natives was freezing, and Harris encountered hostility from the nobles. For some time now, the country has been the victim of various cataclysms, and the people are convinced that this is proof of the anger of the gods, unhappy with the coming of the American.