Rated: All audiences Director: King Hu Format: Color Duration: 1 hour and 51 minutes Release date: September 21, 2016 Actors: Lingfeng Shangguan, Chun Shih, Pai Ying, Feng Hsu, Chien Tsao Subtitles:: Franà§ais Studio : Carlotta Films Number of discs: 1 ALL OUR BLURAY AND DVD ARE PURCHASED IN FRANCE (NO IMPORT) AND INTENDED FOR THE FRENCH MARKET.
Tyrannical eunuch Cao Shaoqin orders the assassination of Defense Minister Yu Qian, wrongly accused of helping foreigners. Her three children are condemned to exile outside the country. But Cao Shaoqin actually plans to exterminate them on the way: he orders his two loyal commanders to prepare an ambush at the Dragon Inn, located near the border ...