Le Cousin Jules [Restored version 2K] Ranked: All audiences Director: Dominique Benicheti Format: Color, Cinémascope Duration: 1 hour and 32 minutes Release date: October 21, 2015 Language: French (PCM Stereo), French (DTS -HD 2.0) Studio: Carlotta Films Number of discs: 1 ALL OUR BLURAY AND DVD ARE PURCHASED IN FRANCE (NO IMPORT) AND INTENDED FOR THE FRENCH MARKET.
Restored version 2K In the Burgundy countryside, lives a couple of octogenarians. Jules is a blacksmith and spends his days creating iron objects. His wife, Félicie, takes care of the vegetable garden, prepares their meals and shares the coffee in the forge with him. The simplicity of their daily routine immerses us in the intimacy of a lifelong relationship ...
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